Full Hygiene Services

Gross Debridment

When you go to your dentist after a long absence, you might be recommended to undergo a procedure called "gross debridement" its a type of cleaning. Gross debridement cleaning is a dental procedure performed by your dentist or dental hygienist to remove stubborn deposits of plaque, tartar, and calculus that have accumulated on your teeth and gum line. During a gross debridement cleaning, your dentist will use specialized tools and techniques to carefully scrape away the build-up plaque and tartar, starting the process of returning your mouth into the sanctuary that your teeth and gums need. This process helps to eliminate potential sources of infection, and fights the development of gum disease, cavities, and other oral health issues.

The procedure typically begins with a visual examination of your mouth to assess the extent of plaque and tartar buildup. Then, your dentist will do his best to remove the build up and deposits from your teeth, paying particular attention to the areas around the gumline and in between your teeth. This process may require some pressure, but it will not go too far below the gums, if at all. There is usually no anesthesia given for this procedure so you may experience slight discomfort or sensitivity, but your dentist will ensure that you are comfortable. Once the gross debridement cleaning is complete, your dentist may proceed with a thorough polishing of your teeth using a rotating brush and a special, mildly abrasive toothpaste. This step helps to remove any residual stains and leaves your teeth feeling smooth and refreshed. Additionally, your dentist may also recommend a fluoride treatment to strengthen your tooth enamel and provide an extra layer of protection against cavities. It is important to note that gross debridement cleaning is often recommended for patients who have not visited the dentist in a long time or those who have neglected their oral hygiene routine. This procedure allows your dentist to get the ball rolling so to speak and get you started on the right path. A more thorough cleaning must follow the gross debridement as well as multiple perio maintenance procedures if any patient plans on getting control of their periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an uphill battle and you will require more frequent visits to accurately assess the overall health of your teeth and gums. After the gross debridement cleaning, your dentist will perform a re-evaluation in 15 to 30 days, this time period allows the gum tissues to heal. In some cases this healing reveals more hard build up that was not removed in the gross debridement procedure. Do not worry, you are on the right path and your dentist now has access to this deeper more stubborn calculus. in the most common cases you will require some form of quad scaling. you with personalized oral hygiene instructions and may recommend scheduling regular dental cleanings to maintain optimal oral health. By ensuring that your teeth and gums are clean and free from harmful deposits, you can enjoy a healthy smile and prevent potential dental problems in the future. In conclusion, gross debridement cleaning is a dental procedure that involves the removal of stubborn plaque, tartar, and calculus deposits from your teeth and gumline. It is a crucial step in maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing the development of gum disease, cavities, and other dental issues. During the procedure, your dentist will carefully scrape away the buildup and may follow



A deep cleaning is something that everyone should make an effort to avoid at all costs. This intensive dental procedure is typically necessary due to a diagnosis of active periodontal disease, which signifies that harmful bacteria have infiltrated the areas surrounding your teeth and are actively wreaking havoc on the bone and support structures that are crucial for maintaining health. Several things tell the dentist that the disease is present, x-rays often show hard build up under your gums, and probing depths will be 4mm or greater and usually the tissue will blead spontaneously. A deep cleaning is often referred to as Quad scaling or Scaling and root planning, a deep cleaning involves going under the soft tissues or sub gingival, necessitating the administration of a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Each quadrant of your mouth typically takes about an hour to complete, meaning that only two quadrants are usually addressed during each appointment.

Following the deep cleaning, it is not uncommon to experience some discomfort. To alleviate any potential pain, we typically recommend taking over-the-counter pain medications. However, it is important to note that the ultimate goal of this intensive cleaning is to arrest the periodontal disease and prevent the need for future deep cleanings. By diligently adhering to the guidance provided by Dr. Rennaker, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of requiring another deep cleaning in the future. A big part of this will be Perio-Maintenance appointments several times a year. Our smile center may also offer additional recommendations, such as using an electric toothbrush, a Water pik, and improving your flossing technique.


Re-evaluation is a hygiene appointment where we take a look at how your doing at home taking care of your teeth after a deep cleaning or a gross debridement appointment. We will contrast your new situation against where you were before. We will measure your gums again and possibly update or enhance our previous recommendations. Are your gums still bleeding? Did you follow your daily recommended cleaning protocol? Is the build up back? at this appointment Dr. Rennaker will recommend the frequency of your perio-maintenance appointments going forward for the near future. This is usually every three or four months but could me less or more frequent depending on your individual situation. Adjunct Services may be recommended like laser pocket therapy, or Laser bacterial reduction therapy. These procedures are performed with a soft tissue laser and help the gums heal when you are doing your part at home and the gum is slow to respond. Chlorhexidine rinses might be prescribed as well.

The primary objective and ultimate aim of periodontal maintenance is to diligently and consistently thwart the resurgence of gum disease, effectively manage and regulate inflammation, and uphold the overall well-being, vitality, and soundness of the teeth and the adjacent tissues. It is of paramount importance to conscientiously and unwaveringly persist with periodontal maintenance throughout the entire lifespan of the dentition, for gum disease has the potential to manifest as a long-standing, recurring medical condition that necessitates perpetual and unremitting supervision and control to effectively subdue and mitigate its deleterious impact. Any omission or inadvertent neglect of these vital maintenance appointments might precipitate a regression or relapse of gum disease, thereby giving rise to a plethora of complications and ramifications that culminate in the loss of teeth.

Periodontal disease causes the bone around teeth to disappear. It is Painless in most instances and so most patients are not aware that it is affecting them until it is too late.

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